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.COM Staking - Claiming Guide

The claiming process for IFO’s on BRC20.com has 3 stages to be completed. 
Create the claim, pay the order and claim. Below we break this down further. 

If multiple pools are ready to claim at once you will only be able to do this one at a time, and only once all the block confirmations have taken place from the previous claim at each stage.

To start your claim head over to https://staking.brc20.com/

Then go to the pool that you wish to claim from (making sure the claiming period is still live) and click on it. 

On the right hand side, at the top you will need to toggle to the ‘earnings’ section 

Once here you will then be able to click on ‘Claim’

This will initiate the first part of the claiming process- on the box that pops up please click on the ‘create order’ button. This will open a transaction in your wallet that you must sign. Once you have signed this, phase 2 will begin.

The next step in claiming is to ‘pay order’. If you click on this button you will be met with another transaction box to sign the transaction and pay the small gas fee.

The final step in the process is to then ‘claim’ your tokens. Click on the claim button and again another transaction box will appear for you to sign & pay to get your tokens.

Key Points:

The claim button will still remain active for a short period after claiming, this does not mean that your claim is not successful, it just means that the full amount of confirmations has not yet been confirmed on the blockchain yet. 

Once the required amount of blocks have been confirmed you will note that you no longer are able to click the ‘claim’ button and it will be ‘greyed out’

If you have staked in any other pools, it is at this point that you may now repeat the above process in the next chosen pool of choice.

Please adhere to these guidelines to avoid unnecessary transactions and payments. 

BRC20 Team